Irritability - Optimal Hormone Solutions

What is irritability?

Irritability is defined as an excessive sensitivity or annoyance to small issues or details. It involves feeling easily provoked, impatient, and restless.

Some key signs of irritability include:

Irritability differs from anger because anger involves a bigger emotional reaction and often a reason or cause behind it. Irritability arises more easily, frequently, and intensely but generally dissipates faster.

What causes irritability?

There are various potential causes of increased irritability:

Temporary irritability is common if dealing with a stressful period. But experiencing persistent or excessive irritability that interferes with work, relationships, or quality of life may signify an underlying issue to address.

Managing irritability

Some tips to help manage irritability include:

Identifying potential source(s) contributing to your irritability and making lifestyle changes can help minimize frequent feelings of impatience, frustration, and agitation. Consider speaking to your healthcare provider if irritability becomes severe or persistent despite your best efforts. With some adjustments and professional support if needed, you can better regulate irritability.

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Take control of irritability today for better well-being.

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