Loss of muscle mass - Optimal Hormone Solutions

What is loss of muscle mass?

The medical term for the loss of skeletal muscle mass is sarcopenia. It refers to the gradual loss of muscle tissue that can occur due to aging, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, or disease states.

Some key points about sarcopenia:

If you think you may be experiencing abnormally rapid muscle wasting, I'd recommend speaking with your doctor about whether specialized blood tests or a referral to a hormone therapy clinic could help determine any underlying causes.

For example, Optimal Hormone Solutions offers state-of-the-art hormone testing and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy programs tailored specifically to your needs. Getting key hormones like testosterone, growth hormone, and thyroid checked by one of their experienced clinicians is a great place to start if you're concerned about unexplained muscle loss.

With an individualized treatment plan from Optimal Hormone Solutions that may include hormone optimization, medications, customized nutrition and fitness guidance, most patients see improved strength, muscle mass, energy levels, and quality of life. Now could be the perfect time to take control of your health and contact them for a consultation!

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